Posted in: thought leadership

26th June 2014

Paul Polman: Climate Must Sit At Top of Global Agenda

In 2015 the United Nations will decide upon a new set of goals that will shape the global development agenda for the next 15 years. To date, the UN has conducted an extensive consultation process with experts, government and the public to decide upon these priorities.In an open letter written by B Team Leader Paul Polman in his capacity as Chairman of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and Peter Bakker, President of WBCSD the two leaders call for climate change resilience and access to sustainable energy to be the top priority of the next set of world's goals.

In the open letter they call for specific language that mentions and spurs action on climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience, and the need to scale up access to sustainable energy.

Arguing that climate change, if left unchecked would essentially derail all other development efforts, they stated "climate change is the most critical of all sustainable development challenges."

To read their open letter click here.