Posted in: news

31st July 2017

Women's Forum to Tackle Challenges Facing Leaders in a Disrupted World

Fresh perspectives on a world in transition

With some countries rejecting globalization and others embracing interconnectedness, the world is seeking leadership and innovation from all sectors. The world’s most powerful economy seems to be moving away from collaboration on climate, but many companies, cities and NGOs are reaffirming their commitment and rallying to the Paris Agreement. Automation technology is putting jobs at risk, while many companies are developing a new understanding of their obligation to put humanity at the centre of their organisations. The message to leaders is clear: It’s a critical moment of disruption and an opportunity to shape the world’s future. Gendered perspectives in this transition can unlock new debates, provide fresh points of view and create the conditions for novel action.

The Women's Forum for the Economy & Society is the leading platform for bringing women's voices to the debate on global issues. This year the Women’s Forum will host its Global Meeting in Paris with conversations centered around the theme of 'Daring to lead in a disrupted world'. Leaders will discuss the challenges of embracing our humanity, harnessing technology, thriving through creativity and shaping the future of work.

The leaders coming together in Paris represent the best in innovation and come from a variety of backgrounds - from banking to fashion, from media to tech, from North America to Africa to Asia and beyond. This is just a small sample of those attending:

  • What will technology make possible for smart cities? Valérie Pécresse, president of the Paris Region and former minister, will discuss how urban connectedness will change our economies and societies.
  • As protectionist barriers threaten to rise amid populist sentiment, the financial sector has not been immune. What does a de-globalised financial system mean for our economies? Andrea Orcel, president of UBS Investment Bank, will comment on the future of financial integration.
  • Corporate life doesn't always have a human touch. CEO of M&G Investments Anne Richards will explain how cultures might change to make businesses more human even as they become more reliant on technology.
  • Eva-Lotta Sjöstedt, the CEO of Danish brand Georg Jensen, will explore the prospects and pitfalls of the human-machine relationship. What will be the impact of new technologies on employees and companies globally?

The full programme is now available at the Women's Forum website where you can see how to join the conversation. Be sure to watch #WFGM17 for updates.