Posted in: news

25th November 2015

What Business Wants at COP21: We Mean Business Briefing

As we approach COP21 it is critical for business to articulate what exactly will constitute a catalytic climate agreement. The We Mean Business Coalition, which represents thousands of the world’s most influential businesses and investors, has prepared a policy briefing with the key asks to world leader's negotiating at COP next month from business.

For the Paris Agreement to provide the policy certainty that business needs and the ambition that science dem­ands, to establish a level playing field for business worldwide, and to accelerate the transition to the low carbon economy, we are calling for it to include:

  1. A long-term goal of Net zero greenhouse gas emissions well before the end of the century
  2. Strengthening of commitments every 5 years
  3. Enacting a meaningful price on carbon
  4. New and additional climate finance at scale
  5. Transparency and accountability to promote a race to the top
  6. National commitments at the highest end of ambition
  7. Adaptation to build climate resilient economies and communities
  8. Pre-2020 ambition through Workstream 2

You can read the full Business Brief, with all the details of each ask, here.