Posted in: news

19th October 2017

We Mean Business and The B Team Urge Net-Zero By 2050 Vision

Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, a goal that nine B Team companies aspire to, has been formally recognized by the We Mean Business coalition’s Take Action campaign and Science Based Target Initiative. The B Team is inviting companies to pledge to use their influence to advocate for policies that support an economy-wide transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

To join the Net-Zero 2050 Team, companies must have already demonstrated they will lead by example by setting a Science Based Target. They then must further pledge to phase out all greenhouse gas emissions, (Scopes 1, 2 and 3), by January 1, 2050. Kering is one of founding company members of the Net-Zero 2050 team. It has an approved science based target, and seeks to achieve its vision by capturing innovative new technologies and building the business case for sustainability through an innovative environmental profit and loss (EP&L) system.

“Contributing to combating climate change and respecting planetary boundaries in the way we do business is a priority for us,” Kering’s chief sustainability officer Marie-Claire Daveu said last December. “The Science Based Targets initiative is enabling the business community to set meaningful and measurable goals to ensure that we align with the 2°C global agenda and Kering is proud that our own GHG reduction ambitions have been validated by the initiative.”

For more details about how companies can join the Net-Zero 2050 Team – check out our dedicated net-zero by 2050 page.