Posted in: news

10th July 2014

The Power of 49: Empowering Women to Vote In India

The Indian general elections that took place from April 7th to May 12th, 2014 made history as the largest election in the country's history with nearly 815 million people eligible to vote.

Almost 49 percent of the Indian voter base consists of women and during these elections Tata Global Beverages launched 'The Power of 49' ad campaign, building on the success of past election awareness campaigns and aimed to empower women during the electoral process. This campaign consisted of short and long form programming, internet forums and debates all designed to allow women to voice their concerns and discuss the issues important to them. The campaign was wildly successful and 65% of women voted in the Indian elections.

Engagement in the campaign allowed Tata Global Beverages to engage directly with a key constituent in their own business, but also to engage and promote the issue of gender diversity, something they have consistently done across the company. Currently Tata Global Beverages workforce is 41% female and they are working to grow the numbers of females in leadership positions across the company.

To learn more about how women changed elections in 2014 through the Power of 49 click here.