Posted in: news

22nd May 2014

IHRB: Striving for Human Rights Excellence at Major Sporting Events

Every four years, the competition at mega sporting events like the Summer and Winter Olympics, and the World Cup captivate global audiences. Out of the spotlight, the competition that takes place to land one of these events is just as intense, as are the major infrastructure overhauls that follow the awarding of the bid.

The award processes for these events are always coupled with major lobbying efforts, and sometimes with allegations of corruption. The competitions themselves invite people from all over the world, corporate sponsorships and an incredible influx of money and investment. However, while countries prepare for the international spotlight, there are sometimes reports of human rights violations including the displacement of people and unsafe working conditions, among others.

The Institute for Human Rights and Business has launched a website, "Mega Sporting Events, Striving for Excellence" that attempts to document and learn from past events and find solutions to ensure constant improvements for the future. Knowing that government, business and civil society all have an important role to play they are also hosting open discussions online about the challenges faced, and potential positive steps forward.