Photo by Chris Farber

Posted in: news

19th April 2016

Sharan Burrow: Paris Agreement and a Just Transition for Workers

As world leaders gather in New York on Earth Day 2016 to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement, Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, highlights in this blog the importance of a just transition—for workers in all industries—to a thriving and just net-zero emissions economy. The scale of transformation required to move to a zero-carbon economy is immense, and this transition needs to happen urgently if we are going meet the commitments made in the Paris Agreement and limit the worst impacts of climate change. Clear national plans to meet these commitments is critical, and each plan must be inclusive for all citizens, be they fossil fuel workers or clean energy technologists. There is an enormous opportunity in the transition to a net-zero economy, one that represents billions in investment and millions of jobs.

Read Sharan Burrow's full post and her thoughts on what an inclusive plan for a just transition to realize the Paris Agreement looks like.