Posted in: news
13th August 2013
The B Leaders of The B Team have pledged to use their influence to make business a driving force for social, environmental, and economic benefit—and they're not the only ones who recognize the transformative, positive potential of the private sector. Calling themselves the "B Entrepreneurs," a group from around the world who saw The B Team "Plan B for Business" Kick-Off were inspired to make this video telling us how their businesses are helping people and the planet while also turning a profit.
A key part of changing the way business operates is changing the global conversation through messages like this. Help make it clear that we expect businesses to do more than just blindly pursue the short-term, financial bottom line by telling us about what you're working on: post a link to a picture or video on Twitter showing how your organization is helping society and the environment—and make sure to include @thebteamhq in your tweet.