Posted in: news

8th January 2015

The Latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Reports

The most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] report releases are the latest round of releases detailing the most advanced knowledge to date on climate change science and expertise. The reports continue to reinforce one very simple math problem: if the planet's temperature rises to 2 degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels we will see catastrophic and irreversible effects as a result of our changing climate.

In the most recent report the IPCC states that there is still time to change course (though we must do so immediately), and take aggressive climate action, including a transition to a clean global economy.

On Sunday, November 2nd, the IPCC, along with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, published their final report of the science of climate change, setting the stage further for climate negotiations to be held in Paris in December 2015.This report is a summary of a vast body of credible scientific research on climate change. And the message is clear: climate change is more certain than ever, the negative impacts are numerous and serious, and urgent action is desperately needed.

Download the latest reports here.