Posted in: news

29th October 2015

Kathy Calvin And R. Venkataramanan: Four Lessons for Global Development

More than three billion people around the world cook their meals on open fires and traditional cookstoves, using traditional fuels. The smoke from these ways of cooking causes more than four million deaths a year. Tackling this problem is no simple task; clean cooking is an energy issue, a health issue, an environmental issue, a women's empowerment issue, and a social and cultural issue.

Like cooking, many of today's challenges are too complex and big for government or business alone to solve. Public-private partnerships will play a key role in driving progress on the new global development agenda. Kathy Calvin, CEO of the UN Foundation and R. Venkataramanan, Executive Trustee of Tata Trusts share four key lessons from their experiences with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a public-private partnership working to transform how people cook, so that cooking doesn't kill. These lessons can help us move beyond traditional models and strengthen public-private partnerships working across the Global Development Agenda.

Read their insights here.