Posted in: news

31st December 2014

Femke Groothuis: Tax Shift Key to Circular Economy and Jobs

In the latest post as part of the 'Plan B for Business' blog series produced by The B Team in partnership with Huffington Post, Femke Groothuis of The Ex'Tax Project argues that a fundamental change in traditional tax systems can have huge positive effects for people and planet.

The concept of an Ex'Tax was outlined in a previous blog post by Groothuis, in which she described how more taxation of natural resources and less taxation of labour could incentivize investment in people while de-incentivizing environmental degradation.Putting the concept to a test, a report titled New Era, New Plan has just been released by The Ex'Tax Project in cooperation with the 4 biggest accounting firms in the world (Deloitte, EY, KPMG Meijburg and PwC), profiling a case study in the Netherlands.

The reports findings detail how our current tax systems are in fact a barrier to solving some of the world's biggest challenges including climate change and unemployment, and that a tax shift could provide hundreds of thousands of jobs in the Netherlands alone while preserving the environment.

To read more about the report's findings click here.

This blog post is part of a series produced by The Huffington Post and The B Team community to help articulate a Plan B for Business. To see other posts in the series, click here.