Posted in: news

22nd January 2016

David Crane Webinar: The Road Through Paris

In December 2015 the COP21 global talks in Paris achieved the world's first universal climate agreement. Now it is time to act. The agreement established the ambition, level of certainty, confidence, and a level playing field to enable business action toward combatting climate change.

Business' understanding of the changes to the landscape and implications of this agreement are key, both to the world's ability to successfully combat climate change, but also their own company's success operating in this new and changing environment.

In this webinar by BSR news, B Team Leader, David Crane and Kering Group's Director of Sustainable Operations, Michael Beutler, share their insights on how business can move the needle on achieving the paris agreement and be successful and competitive in a post-Paris world.

Listen to the full webinar here.