Posted in: news

27th June 2017

Business Experiments Reinforce Benefits of a 100% Human Workplace

A team of colleagues helping to take care of your baby is not a perk you find in most offices. At The Muse, however, it’s the norm. Recognizing the tough transition back from parental leave, the career guidance company launched a Bring Your Baby to Work program. Employees can bring their child into the office and enlist the help of of a Baby Squad. This group of employees offer to watch the baby throughout the day. A spot on the squad is now a coveted volunteer position in the office.

This unique parental care policy is just one of more than 30 experiments explored in The B Team’s 100% Human at Work network’s latest report, which shares company learnings and best practices from initiatives they’ve taken to promote equality, respect, growth and inclusion in the workplace.

For UPlevel Global, this took the form of The Burst. The Canadian outsourcing firm invites its employees to a twice-daily energy burst at a space away from their computers and phones. High energy music blasts while employees dance or jump for 45 seconds. The Burst’s organizing committee will then select a name to spin a prize wheel for the chance to win anything from a $20 gift card to an afternoon off. Employees must be present to claim their prize. Since implementing this, UPlevel has seen KPIs increase across the board. Clients who have participated in The Burst have enjoyed it so much that many have introduced it in their own companies. Employees are more energized, connected and motivated than they were a minute or two before The Burst.

Diversity and inclusion also emerged as strong themes. Auticon, for example, exclusively employs autistic adults as IT and compliance consultants. Auticon pairs these consultants with non-autistic employees in project teams. These specially trained job coaches facilitate project communication with clients and provide advice for consultants when needed.Not only are Auticon’s clients able to maximize workflow and gain access to exceptional talent, but they are helping Auticon to contribute to an inclusive global workforce, provide career trajectories for autistic adults and destigmatize this disability.

The initiatives explored in this collection prove that a 100% human workplace allows employees and, in turn, business to grow and succeed. The 100% Human Network’s continued experimentation furthers the future of work, where businesses prioritize people and community.

Read through the full collection of experiments below.