Photo by Chris Farber

Posted in: news

2nd May 2017

The B Team Joins People's Climate March—For Jobs and Justice

“The ocean is rising, and so are we.”

That was the message brought to Washington D.C. by the 2017 People’s Climate March. The B Team, lead by Sir Richard Branson, Sharan Burrow and former Vice President Al Gore, joined hundreds of thousands of workers, scientists, business leaders, students, parents, grandparents, children and indigenous groups demanding action on climate change by the U.S. administration.

On the eve of the march, The B Team convened '100 Women of Climate', including Virgin Unite President, Jean Oelwang and Conservation International President, Jennifer Morris, to discuss what was next for the climate movement. The group agreed that the clean-energy train had already left the station, with more jobs being created in the U.S. in the solar industry in 2016, than in the oil, gas and coal industries combined. Factors such as the plummeting costs of renewable energy, high levels of job creation and non-state action have made the clean energy transition a market imperative, but supportive government policy remains crucial to accelerate the transition.

The next day, Sir Richard Branson and Sharan Burrow, rallied the crowds and shared why they were joining the march. As a grandfather, Richard expressed concern for the world future generations would inherit. As leader of the International Trade Union Confederation, Sharan shared that she was marching for jobs and for justice for workers. Both emphasized that climate action is an enormous opportunity for the United States in terms of global trade, manufacturing and job creation.

Taking to the streets was just one of the ways The B Team Leaders mobilized to make it clear that business supports climate action from the U.S administration.

Read their open letter to President Trump here.